
The J. B. Vachha High School for Parsi Girls and The Cowasjee Jehangir Primary & Infant School came into existence on 24th June 1924, under the auspices of the Mancherji Edulji Joshi Co-operative Housing Society Limited, Parsi Colony, Dadar, with just 25 infants on its roll and Mrs. Goolan Bulsara, B. A., as its first principal. Due to the strenuous efforts of the Late Mr. Mancherji Edulji Joshi, the establishment of this school was possible. Due tothe yearly increasing numbers in children, in June 1927, a separate school building was constructed with the effort of Lady Hirabai Cowasjee Jehangir. In 1936, Mr. Hirjee Colah, the sole Trustee of the Seth Jehangirji Burjorji Vachha Trust donated huge amount of Rs. 2,84,000/- to the school on the condition that the Middle and High School building be named the “Jehangirji Burjorji Vachha High School for Parsi Girls”. To meet the demands of having a hall to conduct various cultural activities, a structure was set up through Lady Ratan Tata and a Playshed was constructed which was donated by Sir Hormusji Adenwal.

In 1933, the Montessori system of education was introduced by Mr. S. Ranina and Miss. P. Vesavewalla. Lady Hirabai Cowasjee Jehangir, Sir Dorab Tata and Sir Ratan Tata Charities financed the ground floor of a new building. In 1937, an additional first floor was financed by Mr. A. D. Baria on condition that the whole building be named “The Rohinton Baria Memorial Building” in memory of his late son. As more classrooms were needed, the Trustees raised a second floor to the building in 1957