Founder & Members

22.08.1893 TO 09.06.1976
A perfect woman
nobly planned,
To warm, to comfort, and command.
And yet a Spirit still, and bright,
With something of angelic light.
— W.Wordsworth
Lady Hirabai Cowasjee Jehangir by her tireless effort and personal involvement, has transformed a dream of establishing a girl’s school into reality.
“THE JEHANGIR MEMORIAL BUILDING” was constructed in memory of Lady Hirabai Cowasjee Jehangir
– The Principal Donor.

Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune. But great minds rise above them.
— W.Irwing
Mr. Mancherji Edulji Joshi conceived the idea of starting an educational institution for the future generation. Therefore due to the strenuous efforts of the Late Mr. Mancherji Edulji Joshi, the establishment of J. B. Vachha High School for Parsi Girls and The Cowasjee Jehangir Primary & Infant School was possible.